
Appliances and Foodservice Equipment

Appliances and Foodservice Equipment



·Small Appliances

·Washing Machine
·Clothes Drier

If you need assistance in getting your finished products to market quickly, efficiently and cost effectively as possible, contact us.

Example Projects
Foodservice Equipment Takeover
A customer needed outside support to take over an internal production line which was making foodservice equipment from #4 brushed stainless steel.
RXTAI took the project in-house and supplied laser cutting, punching, forming, welding, assembly, testing and managing purchased components.
The goal was to have this lined up and running concurrent with customer operations within 4 months.

In just 8 weeks, RXTAI’s engineering team gathered all current process information and began producing product, including UL approval.
We now ship the full volume directly to the customer’s warehouse. We fully assemble the units at our facility, including serialization, functional testing and Hipot testing.
This allowed our customer to shift internal resources to other projects without any disruption in monthly shipments.
Our 3-shift capacity has allowed us to meet current delivery volumes as well as handle a recent 8% increase in volume.

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