
Computer / Telecommunications / Electronics

Computer / Telecommunications / Electronics

QINGDAO RXTAI CO.,LTD serves the fast-moving computer, telecommunications and electronics markets by producing precision, complex metal parts and components on time. 
With expertise in metal stamping, precision machining and metal fabrication, we can produce a wide variety of metal products and meet tight tolerance requirements. 
We can also completely assemble, package and ship your products as needed, saving you time and money.
By providing competitively priced, quick-turn production metal parts, RXTAI has earned a reputation as an elite supplier for computer and electronic equipment 

such as:
·Enclosures, cases and chassis
For more information about our manufacturing capabilities and how we can help with your project, please contact us today.
If you need assistance in getting your finished products to market quickly, efficiently and cost effectively as possible contact us.

Electronics Enclosure
This production part was previously made in Koera and suffered from quality issues, frequent shipping damage and the need to receive an entire year’s worth of parts in one shipment.

RXTAI took over this project, eliminated the quality problems and set up a kanban agreement for us to ship releases to our customer as needed.
We eliminated the shipping damage by using proper packaging techniques. Due to the large number of holes,
RXTAI gang-punched these parts in our Trumpf punching machine where we could also tap right in the machine.
We supplied these parts plated, with hardware installed, as shown in the photo.
When all factors are considered, RXTAI offered this customer an overall cost saving on these assemblies vs. producing them in koera.
If you need assistance in getting your finished products to market quickly, efficiently and cost effectively as possible contact us.

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